Monica F.

Monica F.

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Icon Work Experience8 years

Princeton, NJ, USA

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O ensino de lĂ­nguas estrangeiras Ă© a minha paixĂŁo. Por meio do ensino de idiomas posso transformar vidas para melhor e isto Ă© extremamente importante para mim. Meu nome Ă© Monica, sou brasileira e moro nos Estados Unidos. Sou bacharel em Letras PortuguĂȘs/InglĂȘs pela Universidade de SĂŁo Paulo. AlĂ©m de minha formação acadĂȘmica, o fato de ter filhos bilĂ­ngues me torna ainda mais interessada no processo de aquisição de lĂ­nguas estrangeiras. Adoro ensinar! Teaching a foreign language is my passion. Through teaching a language I can change people’s lives for better and that is extremely important for me. I have been teaching EFL for more than 20 years for Brazilian students and I am totally experient in teaching a foreign language. Hi, my name is Monica. I’m Brazilian and I live in the United States. I speak Portuguese which is my native language and English. I learn Italian and Spanish. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in English and Portuguese Language and Literature from the University of SĂŁo Paulo. Thanks to the university I was able to experience several languages, such as Italian, a language that I love. Besides my education background, I have bilingual children, which made feel even more interested in the process of acquisition of foreign languages. I like teaching and learning a lot! If you need to practice Portuguese conversation, I’m here to help!

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Monica F.

Monica F.

Recently active

Icon Work Experience8 years

Princeton, NJ, USA

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